Private Housing & Rentals

What is renting?
Renting, also known as hiring or letting, is an agreement where a payment is made for the temporary use of a good, service or property owned by another.

What are my rights as a tenant?
If you need to learn more about your rights as a tenant you can check out the Aratohu Tenant Advocacy website. The website consists of support and advice from the Tenancy Advocacy Network, consisting of various organisations – including the Housing Advice Centre – who support tenants across Aotearoa.

What are my rights as a landlord?
Everything you need to know about being a landlord and what your rights are as a landlord can be found at If you have any questions, feel free to come and see us or phone.

What are the Healthy Homes Standards?

Where do I look for rentals?
We have private rentals listed and updated three times a week on our website. There are also a number of ways you can look for rentals, especially online.,, Facebook, and rental companies, ie: Property Brokers, Professionals, Watsons Real Estate etc.

What happens if I have a dispute with my landlord or my tenant?

What supports are there for me as a tenant?

Manawatu Tenants Union is the union and advocacy option for tenants in the Manawatu region. They will support you on concerns with your contract, the conditions of your rental, and can act as a support to you when attending the Tenancy Tribunal.

Renters’ United are located in Auckland and Wellington, and regularly advocate to government for affordable rentals.

Christchurch Tenants Protection Association assists tenants with educational services concerning any disputes, to know their legal rights.

Auckland Tenants’ Protection Association

Citizens’ Advice Bureau help people to know and understand their rights.