We are open 10am to 3pm Monday to Thursday.

Due to staff shortages we can only see one appointment at a time so please use the “Book Here” button or ring us on 06 3584875 to make a time. 
If your housing need is urgent, please contact Work and Income at the Ministry of Social Development office which is located at 575 Main Street, Palmerston North. To make an appointment, ring 0800 559 009.
If you have a Tenancy issue, please contact the Manawatū Tenants’ Union on (06) 357 7435 or email: info@mtu.org.nz.

We are a free and independent service.
We help tenants and landlords navigate tenancy.
We provide advice, advocacy and support in a range of housing related areas for individuals or organisations.


Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 10am – 3pm


Rentals listings in Manawatū

Click on this for our full online list of available private rentals (Updated Tuesdays & Thursdays but check date on list)

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